LogicalPlan — Logical Query Plan / Logical Operator

LogicalPlan is a base Catalyst query plan for logical operators to build a logical query plan that, when analyzed and resolved, can be resolved to a physical query plan.


Use QueryExecution of a structured query to see the logical plan.

val q: DataFrame = ...
val plan = q.queryExecution.logical

LogicalPlan can be analyzed which is to say that the plan (including children) has gone through analysis and verification.

scala> plan.analyzed
res1: Boolean = true

A logical plan can also be resolved to a specific schema.

scala> plan.resolved
res2: Boolean = true

A logical plan knows the size of objects that are results of query operators, like join, through Statistics object.

scala> val stats = plan.statistics
stats: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Statistics = Statistics(8,false)

A logical plan knows the maximum number of records it can compute.

scala> val maxRows = plan.maxRows
maxRows: Option[Long] = None

LogicalPlan can be streaming if it contains one or more structured streaming sources.

Table 1. Logical Operators / Specialized Logical Plans
LogicalPlan Description


Logical operator with no child operators


Logical plan with a single child (logical plan).


Logical operator with two child operators



Table 2. LogicalPlan’s Internal Registries and Counters (in alphabetical order)
Name Description


Cached plan statistics (as Statistics) of the LogicalPlan

Computed and cached in stats.

Used in stats and verboseStringWithSuffix.

Reset in invalidateStatsCache

Getting Cached or Calculating Estimated Statistics — stats Method

stats(conf: CatalystConf): Statistics

stats returns the cached plan statistics or computes a new one (and caches it as statsCache).


stats is used when:

invalidateStatsCache method


verboseStringWithSuffix method


resolveQuoted method


setAnalyzed method


Command — Logical Commands

Command is the base for leaf logical plans that represent non-query commands to be executed by the system. It defines output to return an empty collection of Attributes.

Known commands are:

  1. CreateTable

  2. Any RunnableCommand

Is Logical Plan Streaming? — isStreaming method

isStreaming: Boolean

isStreaming is a part of the public API of LogicalPlan and is enabled (i.e. true) when a logical plan is a streaming source.

By default, it walks over subtrees and calls itself, i.e. isStreaming, on every child node to find a streaming source.

val spark: SparkSession = ...

// Regular dataset
scala> val ints = spark.createDataset(0 to 9)
ints: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Int] = [value: int]

scala> ints.queryExecution.logical.isStreaming
res1: Boolean = false

// Streaming dataset
scala> val logs = spark.readStream.format("text").load("logs/*.out")
logs: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: string]

scala> logs.queryExecution.logical.isStreaming
res2: Boolean = true
Streaming Datasets are part of Structured Streaming.

Computing Statistics Estimates (of All Child Logical Operators) for Cost-Based Optimizer — computeStats method

computeStats(conf: CatalystConf): Statistics

computeStats creates a Statistics with sizeInBytes as a product of statistics of all child logical plans.

For a no-children logical plan, computeStats reports a UnsupportedOperationException:

LeafNode [nodeName] must implement statistics.
computeStats is a protected method that logical operators are expected to override to provide their own custom plan statistics calculation.
computeStats is used exclusively when LogicalPlan is requested for logical plan statistics estimates.

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