BlockManager — Key-Value Store for Blocks

BlockManager is a key-value store for blocks of data (simply blocks) in Spark. BlockManager acts as a local cache that runs on every "node" in a Spark application, i.e. the driver and executors (and is created when SparkEnv is created).

BlockManager provides interface for uploading and fetching blocks both locally and remotely using various stores, i.e. memory, disk, and off-heap.

When BlockManager is created, it creates its own private instances of DiskBlockManager, BlockInfoManager, MemoryStore and DiskStore (that it immediately wires together, i.e. BlockInfoManager with MemoryStore and DiskStore with DiskBlockManager).

The common idiom in Spark to access a BlockManager regardless of a location, i.e. the driver or executors, is through SparkEnv:


BlockManager is a BlockDataManager, i.e. manages the storage for blocks that can represent cached RDD partitions, intermediate shuffle outputs, broadcasts, etc. It is also a BlockEvictionHandler that drops a block from memory and storing it on a disk if applicable.

Cached blocks are blocks with non-zero sum of memory and disk sizes.

Use Web UI, esp. Storage and Executors tabs, to monitor the memory used.
Use spark-submit's command-line options, i.e. --driver-memory for the driver and --executor-memory for executors or their equivalents as Spark properties, i.e. spark.executor.memory and spark.driver.memory, to control the memory for storage memory.

A BlockManager is created when a Spark application starts and must be initialized before it is fully operable.

When External Shuffle Service is enabled, BlockManager uses ExternalShuffleClient to read other executors' shuffle files.

BlockManager uses BlockManagerSource to report metrics under the name BlockManager.

Table 1. BlockManager’s Internal Properties
Name Initial Value Description



DiskBlockManager for…​FIXME


Total available on-heap and off-heap memory for storage (in bytes)

Total maximum value that BlockManager can ever possibly use (that depends on MemoryManager and may vary over time).


Enable INFO, DEBUG or TRACE logging level for logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to Logging.


You may want to shut off WARN messages being printed out about the current state of blocks using the following line to cut the noise:

getLocations Method


blockIdsToHosts Method


getLocationBlockIds Method


getPeers Method


releaseAllLocksForTask Method


memoryStore Property


stop Method


Getting Ids of Existing Blocks (For a Given Filter) — getMatchingBlockIds Method

getMatchingBlockIds is used to handle GetMatchingBlockIds messages.

getLocalValues Method

getLocalValues(blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockResult]


Internally, when getLocalValues is executed, you should see the following DEBUG message in the logs:

DEBUG BlockManager: Getting local block [blockId]

When no blockId block was found, you should see the following DEBUG message in the logs and getLocalValues returns "nothing" (i.e. NONE).

DEBUG Block [blockId] was not found

When the blockId block was found, you should see the following DEBUG message in the logs:

DEBUG Level for block [blockId] is [level]

If blockId block has memory level and is registered in MemoryStore, getLocalValues returns a BlockResult as Memory read method and with a CompletionIterator for an interator:

  1. Values iterator from MemoryStore for blockId for "deserialized" persistence levels.

  2. Iterator from SerializerManager after the data stream has been deserialized for the blockId block and the bytes for blockId block for "serialized" persistence levels.


getRemoteValues Internal Method

getRemoteValues[T: ClassTag](blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockResult]


Retrieving Block from Local or Remote Block Managers — get Method

get[T](blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockResult]

get attempts to get the blockId block from a local block manager first before querying remote block managers.

Internally, get tries to get blockId block from the local BlockManager. If the blockId block was found, you should see the following INFO message in the logs and get returns the local BlockResult.

INFO Found block [blockId] locally

If however the blockId block was not found locally, get tries to get the block from remote BlockManagers. If the blockId block was retrieved from a remote BlockManager, you should see the following INFO message in the logs and get returns the remote BlockResult.

INFO Found block [blockId] remotely

In the end, get returns "nothing" (i.e. NONE) when the blockId block was not found either in the local BlockManager or any remote BlockManager.

get is used when BlockManager is requested to getOrElseUpdate a block, getSingle and to compute a BlockRDD.

getSingle Method


getOrElseUpdate Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  level: StorageLevel,
  classTag: ClassTag[T],
  makeIterator: () => Iterator[T]): Either[BlockResult, Iterator[T]]


Getting Local Block Data As Bytes — getLocalBytes Method


getRemoteBytes Method


Finding Shuffle Block Data — getBlockData Method


removeBlockInternal Method


Is External Shuffle Service Enabled? — externalShuffleServiceEnabled Flag

When the External Shuffle Service is enabled for a Spark application, BlockManager uses ExternalShuffleClient to read other executors' shuffle files.

FIXME How is shuffleClient used?


A Store is the place where blocks are held.

There are the following possible stores:

  • MemoryStore for memory storage level.

  • DiskStore for disk storage level.

  • ExternalBlockStore for OFF_HEAP storage level.

Storing Block Data Locally — putBlockData Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  data: ManagedBuffer,
  level: StorageLevel,
  classTag: ClassTag[_]): Boolean

putBlockData simply stores blockId locally (given the given storage level).

putBlockData is a part of BlockDataManager contract.

Internally, putBlockData wraps ChunkedByteBuffer around data buffer’s NIO ByteBuffer and calls putBytes.

putBlockData is used when NettyBlockRpcServer handles a UploadBlock message.

Storing Block Bytes Locally — putBytes Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  bytes: ChunkedByteBuffer,
  level: StorageLevel,
  tellMaster: Boolean = true): Boolean

putBytes stores the blockId block (with bytes bytes and level storage level).

putBytes simply passes the call on to the internal doPutBytes.

doPutBytes Internal Method

def doPutBytes[T](
  blockId: BlockId,
  bytes: ChunkedByteBuffer,
  level: StorageLevel,
  classTag: ClassTag[T],
  tellMaster: Boolean = true,
  keepReadLock: Boolean = false): Boolean

doPutBytes calls the internal helper doPut with a function that accepts a BlockInfo and does the uploading.

Inside the function, if the storage level's replication is greater than 1, it immediately starts replication of the blockId block on a separate thread (from futureExecutionContext thread pool). The replication uses the input bytes and level storage level.

For a memory storage level, the function checks whether the storage level is deserialized or not. For a deserialized storage level, BlockManager's SerializerManager deserializes bytes into an iterator of values that MemoryStore stores. If however the storage level is not deserialized, the function requests MemoryStore to store the bytes

If the put did not succeed and the storage level is to use disk, you should see the following WARN message in the logs:

WARN BlockManager: Persisting block [blockId] to disk instead.
DiskStore is requested to store the bytes of a block with memory and disk storage level only when MemoryStore has failed.

If the storage level is to use disk only, DiskStore stores the bytes.

doPutBytes requests current block status and if the block was successfully stored, and the driver should know about it (tellMaster), the function reports the current storage status of the block to the driver. The current TaskContext metrics are updated with the updated block status (only when executed inside a task where TaskContext is available).

You should see the following DEBUG message in the logs:

DEBUG BlockManager: Put block [blockId] locally took [time] ms

The function waits till the earlier asynchronous replication finishes for a block with replication level greater than 1.

The final result of doPutBytes is the result of storing the block successful or not (as computed earlier).

doPutBytes is called exclusively from putBytes method.

replicate Internal Method


maybeCacheDiskValuesInMemory Method


doPutIterator Method


doPut Internal Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  level: StorageLevel,
  classTag: ClassTag[_],
  tellMaster: Boolean,
  keepReadLock: Boolean)(putBody: BlockInfo => Option[T]): Option[T]

doPut is an internal helper method for doPutBytes and doPutIterator.

doPut executes the input putBody function with a BlockInfo being a new BlockInfo object (with level storage level) that BlockInfoManager managed to create a write lock for.

If the block has already been created (and BlockInfoManager did not manage to create a write lock for), the following WARN message is printed out to the logs:

WARN Block [blockId] already exists on this machine; not re-adding it

doPut releases the read lock for the block when keepReadLock flag is disabled and returns None immediately.

If however the write lock has been given, doPut executes putBody.

If the result of putBody is None the block is considered saved successfully.

For successful save and keepReadLock disabled, BlockInfoManager is requested to release lock on blockId.

For unsuccessful save, the block is removed from memory and disk stores and the following WARN message is printed out to the logs:

WARN Putting block [blockId] failed

Ultimately, the following DEBUG message is printed out to the logs:

DEBUG Putting block [blockId] [withOrWithout] replication took [usedTime] ms

Removing Block From Memory and Disk — removeBlock Method

removeBlock(blockId: BlockId, tellMaster: Boolean = true): Unit

removeBlock removes the blockId block from the MemoryStore and DiskStore.

When executed, it prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

DEBUG Removing block [blockId]

It requests BlockInfoManager for lock for writing for the blockId block. If it receives none, it prints out the following WARN message to the logs and quits.

WARN Asked to remove block [blockId], which does not exist

Otherwise, with a write lock for the block, the block is removed from MemoryStore and DiskStore (see Removing Block in MemoryStore and Removing Block in DiskStore).

If both removals fail, it prints out the following WARN message:

WARN Block [blockId] could not be removed as it was not found in either the disk, memory, or external block store

The block is removed from BlockInfoManager.

It then calculates the current block status that is used to report the block status to the driver (if the input tellMaster and the info’s tellMaster are both enabled, i.e. true) and the current TaskContext metrics are updated with the change.

Removing RDD Blocks — removeRdd Method

removeRdd(rddId: Int): Int

removeRdd removes all the blocks that belong to the rddId RDD.

It prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

INFO Removing RDD [rddId]

It then requests RDD blocks from BlockInfoManager and removes them (from memory and disk) (without informing the driver).

The number of blocks removed is the final result.

Removing Broadcast Blocks — removeBroadcast Method

removeBroadcast(broadcastId: Long, tellMaster: Boolean): Int

removeBroadcast removes all the blocks of the input broadcastId broadcast.

Internally, it starts by printing out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

DEBUG Removing broadcast [broadcastId]

It then requests all the BroadcastBlockId objects that belong to the broadcastId broadcast from BlockInfoManager and removes them (from memory and disk).

The number of blocks removed is the final result.

Getting Block Status — getStatus Method


Creating BlockManager Instance

BlockManager takes the following when created:

executorId is SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER, i.e. driver for the driver and the value of --executor-id command-line argument for CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend executors or MesosExecutorBackend.
FIXME Elaborate on the executor backends and executor ids.

When created, BlockManager sets externalShuffleServiceEnabled internal flag per spark.shuffle.service.enabled Spark property.

BlockManager then creates an instance of DiskBlockManager (requesting deleteFilesOnStop when an external shuffle service is not in use).

BlockManager creates an instance of BlockInfoManager (as blockInfoManager).

BlockManager creates block-manager-future daemon cached thread pool with 128 threads maximum (as futureExecutionContext).

BlockManager creates a MemoryStore and DiskStore.

MemoryManager gets the MemoryStore object assigned.

BlockManager calculates the maximum memory to use (as maxMemory) by requesting the maximum on-heap and off-heap storage memory from the assigned MemoryManager.

UnifiedMemoryManager is the default MemoryManager (as of Spark 1.6).

BlockManager calculates the port used by the external shuffle service (as externalShuffleServicePort).

It is computed specially in Spark on YARN.
FIXME Describe the YARN-specific part.

BlockManager creates a client to read other executors' shuffle files (as shuffleClient). If the external shuffle service is used an ExternalShuffleClient is created or the input BlockTransferService is used.

BlockManager registers BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint with the input RpcEnv, itself, and MapOutputTracker (as slaveEndpoint).



(that is assumed to be a ExternalShuffleClient)



Initializing BlockManager — initialize Method

initialize(appId: String): Unit

initialize initializes a BlockManager on the driver and executors (see Creating SparkContext Instance and Creating Executor Instance, respectively).

The method must be called before a BlockManager can be considered fully operable.

initialize does the following in order:

  1. Initializes BlockTransferService

  2. Initializes the internal shuffle client, be it ExternalShuffleClient or BlockTransferService.

  3. Registers itself with the driver’s BlockManagerMaster (using the id, maxMemory and its slaveEndpoint).

    The BlockManagerMaster reference is passed in when the BlockManager is created on the driver and executors.

  4. Sets shuffleServerId to an instance of BlockManagerId given an executor id, host name and port for BlockTransferService.

  5. It creates the address of the server that serves this executor’s shuffle files (using shuffleServerId)

FIXME Review the initialize procedure again
FIXME Describe shuffleServerId. Where is it used?

If the External Shuffle Service is used, the following INFO appears in the logs:

INFO external shuffle service port = [externalShuffleServicePort]

It registers itself to the driver’s BlockManagerMaster passing the BlockManagerId, the maximum memory (as maxMemory), and the BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint.

Ultimately, if the initialization happens on an executor and the External Shuffle Service is used, it registers to the shuffle service.

Registering Executor’s BlockManager with External Shuffle Server — registerWithExternalShuffleServer Method

registerWithExternalShuffleServer(): Unit

registerWithExternalShuffleServer is an internal helper method to register the BlockManager for an executor with an external shuffle server.

When executed, you should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO Registering executor with local external shuffle service.

It uses shuffleClient to register the block manager using shuffleServerId (i.e. the host, the port and the executorId) and a ExecutorShuffleInfo.

The ExecutorShuffleInfo uses localDirs and subDirsPerLocalDir from DiskBlockManager and the class name of the constructor ShuffleManager.

It tries to register at most 3 times with 5-second sleeps in-between.

The maximum number of attempts and the sleep time in-between are hard-coded, i.e. they are not configured.

Any issues while connecting to the external shuffle service are reported as ERROR messages in the logs:

ERROR Failed to connect to external shuffle server, will retry [#attempts] more times after waiting 5 seconds...

Re-registering BlockManager with Driver and Reporting Blocks — reregister Method

reregister(): Unit

When executed, reregister prints the following INFO message to the logs:

INFO BlockManager: BlockManager [blockManagerId] re-registering with master

reregister then registers itself to the driver’s BlockManagerMaster (just as it was when BlockManager was initializing). It passes the BlockManagerId, the maximum memory (as maxMemory), and the BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint.

reregister will then report all the local blocks to the BlockManagerMaster.

You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO BlockManager: Reporting [blockInfoManager.size] blocks to the master.

If there is an issue communicating to the BlockManagerMaster, you should see the following ERROR message in the logs:

ERROR BlockManager: Failed to report [blockId] to master; giving up.

After the ERROR message, reregister stops reporting.

Calculate Current Block Status — getCurrentBlockStatus Method

getCurrentBlockStatus(blockId: BlockId, info: BlockInfo): BlockStatus

getCurrentBlockStatus returns the current BlockStatus of the BlockId block (with the block’s current StorageLevel, memory and disk sizes). It uses MemoryStore and DiskStore for size and other information.

Most of the information to build BlockStatus is already in BlockInfo except that it may not necessarily reflect the current state per MemoryStore and DiskStore.

Internally, it uses the input BlockInfo to know about the block’s storage level. If the storage level is not set (i.e. null), the returned BlockStatus assumes the default NONE storage level and the memory and disk sizes being 0.

If however the storage level is set, getCurrentBlockStatus uses MemoryStore and DiskStore to check whether the block is stored in the storages or not and request for their sizes in the storages respectively (using their getSize or assume 0).

It is acceptable that the BlockInfo says to use memory or disk yet the block is not in the storages (yet or anymore). The method will give current status.

Removing Blocks From Memory Only — dropFromMemory Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  data: () => Either[Array[T], ChunkedByteBuffer]): StorageLevel

When dropFromMemory is executed, you should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO BlockManager: Dropping block [blockId] from memory

It then asserts that the blockId block is locked for writing.

If the block’s StorageLevel uses disks and the internal DiskStore object (diskStore) does not contain the block, it is saved then. You should see the following INFO message in the logs:

INFO BlockManager: Writing block [blockId] to disk
FIXME Describe the case with saving a block to disk.

The block’s memory size is fetched and recorded (using MemoryStore.getSize).

The block is removed from memory if exists. If not, you should see the following WARN message in the logs:

WARN BlockManager: Block [blockId] could not be dropped from memory as it does not exist

It then calculates the current storage status of the block and reports it to the driver. It only happens when info.tellMaster.

FIXME When would info.tellMaster be true?

A block is considered updated when it was written to disk or removed from memory or both. If either happened, the current TaskContext metrics are updated with the change.

Ultimately, dropFromMemory returns the current storage level of the block.

dropFromMemory is part of the single-method BlockEvictionHandler interface.

reportAllBlocks Method

reportAllBlocks is called when BlockManager is requested to re-register all blocks to the driver.

Reporting Current Storage Status of Block to Driver — reportBlockStatus Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  info: BlockInfo,
  status: BlockStatus,
  droppedMemorySize: Long = 0L): Unit

reportBlockStatus is an internal method for reporting a block status to the driver and if told to re-register it prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

INFO BlockManager: Got told to re-register updating block [blockId]

It does asynchronous reregistration (using asyncReregister).

In either case, it prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs:

DEBUG BlockManager: Told master about block [blockId]
reportBlockStatus is called by getBlockData, doPutBytes, doPutIterator, dropFromMemory and removeBlockInternal.

Reporting Block Status Update to Driver — tryToReportBlockStatus Internal Method

def tryToReportBlockStatus(
  blockId: BlockId,
  info: BlockInfo,
  status: BlockStatus,
  droppedMemorySize: Long = 0L): Boolean

tryToReportBlockStatus reports block status update to BlockManagerMaster and returns its response.

tryToReportBlockStatus is used when BlockManager reportAllBlocks or reportBlockStatus.


BlockEvictionHandler is a private[storage] Scala trait with a single method dropFromMemory.

  blockId: BlockId,
  data: () => Either[Array[T], ChunkedByteBuffer]): StorageLevel
A BlockManager is a BlockEvictionHandler.
dropFromMemory is called when MemoryStore evicts blocks from memory to free space.

Broadcast Values

When a new broadcast value is created, TorrentBroadcast blocks are put in the block manager.

You should see the following TRACE message:

TRACE Put for block [blockId] took [startTimeMs] to get into synchronized block

It puts the data in the memory first and drop to disk if the memory store can’t hold it.

DEBUG Put block [blockId] locally took [startTimeMs]


Execution Context

block-manager-future is the execution context for…​FIXME


The underlying abstraction for blocks in Spark is a ByteBuffer that limits the size of a block to 2GB (Integer.MAX_VALUE - see Why does take up to Integer.MAX_VALUE of data? and SPARK-1476 2GB limit in spark for blocks). This has implication not just for managed blocks in use, but also for shuffle blocks (memory mapped blocks are limited to 2GB, even though the API allows for long), ser-deser via byte array-backed output streams.

When a non-local executor starts, it initializes a BlockManager object using Spark property for the id.


BlockResult is a description of a fetched block with the readMethod and bytes.

Registering Task with BlockInfoManager — registerTask Method

registerTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Unit
registerTask is used exclusively when Task runs.

Offering DiskBlockObjectWriter To Write Blocks To Disk (For Current BlockManager) — getDiskWriter Method

  blockId: BlockId,
  file: File,
  serializerInstance: SerializerInstance,
  bufferSize: Int,
  writeMetrics: ShuffleWriteMetrics): DiskBlockObjectWriter

getDiskWriter creates a DiskBlockObjectWriter with spark.shuffle.sync Spark property for syncWrites.

getDiskWriter uses the same serializerManager that was used to create a BlockManager.
getDiskWriter is used when BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter writes records into one single shuffle block data file, in ShuffleExternalSorter, UnsafeSorterSpillWriter, ExternalSorter, and ExternalAppendOnlyMap.

Recording Updated BlockStatus In Current Task’s TaskMetrics — addUpdatedBlockStatusToTaskMetrics Internal Method

addUpdatedBlockStatusToTaskMetrics(blockId: BlockId, status: BlockStatus): Unit

addUpdatedBlockStatusToTaskMetrics takes an active TaskContext (if available) and records updated BlockStatus for Block (in the task’s TaskMetrics).

addUpdatedBlockStatusToTaskMetrics is used when BlockManager doPutBytes (for a block that was successfully stored), doPut, doPutIterator, removes blocks from memory (possibly spilling it to disk) and removes block from memory and disk.


Table 2. Spark Properties
Spark Property Default Value Description



Port to use for the block manager when a more specific setting for the driver or executors is not provided.



Controls whether DiskBlockObjectWriter should force outstanding writes to disk when committing a single atomic block, i.e. all operating system buffers should synchronize with the disk to ensure that all changes to a file are in fact recorded in the storage.

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